Tuesday, 14 January 2014

2014 kickoff

Happy new year to all of you!

I hope you all closed a fruitful and wonderful 2013, and are full of great plans and opportunities for the following 12 months!

I've had an eventful last quarter, gathered some thoughts I'd like to share with you.

Soon, I'll write about :
  • When and what NOT to test
  • My journey with mongoDB and Neo4j, and why I use which in what situation
  • My journey with building a Spotify application
  • Prematurely scaling my start-up's code to be able to deal with the expected high data transfer
  • Building anti-corruption layers that could potentially save the site from dysfunction even when 3rd parties are down
  • I will continue the Hungarian article-series too (sorry 'bout that non-Hungarians, I still have 4 pieces to write)
  • and will show you some highlights of my musical career which now has a significantly larger focus in my life.    
 Looking forward to hearing from you in comments and/or in private!

p.s.: If I haven't replied yet, rest assured, I will! (I'm a bit behind emails)

Yours truly,

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